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  • Max
    started a topic What is the best keyword tool (Keyword Research Tools)

    What is the best keyword tool (Keyword Research Tools)

    Hello guys, I want to tell you about my experience with all keyword tools that I found on the market, I spend around $900 to purchase all Keyword Research Tools, here are the keyword tools that I purchased :

    Moz Keyword Analysis (The cost is 99 per month)
    The Moz keyword analysis let you enter up to 20 of your keywords and it allow you the see the difficulty and the number of searches per month for each keyword, it will also show the list of websites that you can find on google ranking for that keywords.
    Has the Moz keyword analysis tool been the best ? Hmm I will answer this question at the end of this post.

    Raven Tools Research Central (The cost is 99 per month)
    The tool allows you to do research for your keywords and also to domains, this tool actually uses SEOMoz, Majestic SEO to provide the results, and the cost is also high ($99).

    Advanced Web Ranking ($399 for lifetime license)
    This tool is actually getting the data from this google products: Google Webmaster API, Google AdWords, Google Trends and Google Suggest, but it also uses other non google tools to extract the data, here is the rest of the tools : SEMRush, Wordtracker, 7Search, and of course the Yahoo API.

    Keyword Spy ($90 per month)
    This tool is a nice and clean research tool that will help you to get fast research over all your competitors websites (paid search and organic searches).

    Keyword Discovery ($70)
    This tool will provide many related results with your keywords, and will also provide up to 50 results for free, the tool is also clean and it has a nice interface.

    Wordtracker ($70)
    It provides good reports about the profitable keywords, it is better than the rest of the tools for keyword related to purchases of products.

    SEMrush ($80)
    It is a complex tool that helps you discover your competitors organic and paid keywords, in my tests it finds only 20% of keywords from one of my old websites.

    Keyword Eye (~$14)
    The tool has a simple and easy to use interface, it also allows connection of your google analytic account to grab more data.

    Long Tail Pro ($97)
    It detectects usually the long tail keywords the ones that are most profitable, it also finds the free domains related to your niche.

    Other executable software that I use (paid versions) : Market Samurai , Micro Niche Finder (have some bugs), Keyword Elite II

    Others free keyword research tools that I used : Wordpot, SEO Book Keyword Tool, Bing Keyword Research, WordStream, Google ​Suggestions.

    I spend over 2 weeks to research all those tools and I spend over $900 on those paid keyword research tools.

    So, What is the best keyword tool ?

    The best research keyword tool is actually The Google Keyword Planner !, all my test results shows that Google Planner tool already offer me all the keywords and important features that the rest of the tools offered and the big advantage is that all the data is fresh and live, many of the rest of the tools offered old data from their old databases.

    I use Money Robot Submitter software and I needed as many keywords possible, so by purchasing all those keyword researching software, I was expected to get more good keywords to provide to Money Robot Submitter software, this software is the best backlink creator software that helps to get your keyword ranked.

    So I hope guys that I save you some money and also time

    Cheers !

  • seemasharma7851
    I think Google keyword planner is best !

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  • parmeshwarthaver
    Yes, there is available lots of keyword research tools but Google keyword planer is best for searching keyword value.

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  • BobsResource
    You have really analysis it for us to understand that Google keyword planner still remain the best right? Thank you for the latest information.
    Originally posted by Max View Post
    Hello guys, I want to tell you about my experience with all keyword tools that I found on the market, I spend around $900 to purchase all Keyword Research Tools, here are the keyword tools that I purchased : Moz Keyword Analysis (The cost is 99 per month) The Moz keyword analysis let you enter up to 20 of your keywords and it allow you the see the difficulty and the number of searches per month for each keyword, it will also show the list of websites that you can find on google ranking for that keywords. Has the Moz keyword analysis tool been the best ? Hmm I will answer this question at the end of this post. Raven Tools Research Central (The cost is 99 per month) The tool allows you to do research for your keywords and also to domains, this tool actually uses SEOMoz, Majestic SEO to provide the results, and the cost is also high ($99). Advanced Web Ranking ($399 for lifetime license) This tool is actually getting the data from this google products: Google Webmaster API, Google AdWords, Google Trends and Google Suggest, but it also uses other non google tools to extract the data, here is the rest of the tools : SEMRush, Wordtracker, 7Search, and of course the Yahoo API. Keyword Spy ($90 per month) This tool is a nice and clean research tool that will help you to get fast research over all your competitors websites (paid search and organic searches). Keyword Discovery ($70) This tool will provide many related results with your keywords, and will also provide up to 50 results for free, the tool is also clean and it has a nice interface. Wordtracker ($70) It provides good reports about the profitable keywords, it is better than the rest of the tools for keyword related to purchases of products. SEMrush ($80) It is a complex tool that helps you discover your competitors organic and paid keywords, in my tests it finds only 20% of keywords from one of my old websites. Keyword Eye (~$14) The tool has a simple and easy to use interface, it also allows connection of your google analytic account to grab more data. Long Tail Pro ($97) It detectects usually the long tail keywords the ones that are most profitable, it also finds the free domains related to your niche. Other executable software that I use (paid versions) : Market Samurai , Micro Niche Finder (have some bugs), Keyword Elite II Others free keyword research tools that I used : Wordpot, SEO Book Keyword Tool, Bing Keyword Research, WordStream, Google ​Suggestions. I spend over 2 weeks to research all those tools and I spend over $900 on those paid keyword research tools. So, What is the best keyword tool ? The best research keyword tool is actually The Google Keyword Planner !, all my test results shows that Google Planner tool already offer me all the keywords and important features that the rest of the tools offered and the big advantage is that all the data is fresh and live, many of the rest of the tools offered old data from their old databases. I use Money Robot Submitter software and I needed as many keywords possible, so by purchasing all those keyword researching software, I was expected to get more good keywords to provide to Money Robot Submitter software, this software is the best backlink creator software that helps to get your keyword ranked. So I hope guys that I save you some money and also time Cheers !

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  • owaiswiz
    i may too recommend you to use market samurai as suggested by many above.The Keyword research tool is provided free for life time.Also there are a bunch of other features which you can test if you download the trial.You may even consider buying the full version. .

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  • kaname
    In this section many web users want to know the best solution for keyword results for search engines like: Google, Bing or Yahoo. I think the best way, as an example for Google, is to combine the benefits of "The Google Keyword Planner" with the one of the best Seo Software "Money Robot Submitter" will make your life much easier.

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  • dmer
    i may recommend you to download market samurai that provides keyword analyzer for free for life time although the trial period is 7 days for the whole product.And as said by max,google keyword tool is the best out there.Pretty good suggestion,accurate metrics.I like it too.

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  • Max
    Originally posted by Robin View Post
    You can either go for Keyword Spy or Long Tail Pro
    Thank you Robin for your suggestion , I have test it too , I have a lifetime license but somehow I get back to google keyword tool from Adwords, somehow I like it more and it is offer more suggestions to, the rest of tools actually offer many suggestions but not so good suggestions, some time they are not really related with the niche, so I go for the free tool from google (Google Adwords Keyword Planner), Thanks

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  • Robin
    You can either go For Keyword Spy or Long Tail Pro.I highly suggest you to go with long tail pro because of its sleek ui and its cheap to ,Just 97 bucks for lifetime.Longtail pro is the best keyword Research Tool i have ever seen.

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  • theneo
    i would recommend market samurai, although its user interface is not so good, but it do provides some awesome feature and ya google keyword research tool is the best one out there and most of the tools uses data from google's tool so the results you get are similar, Long tail pro is also good and it's UI is awesome according to me.

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  • wsieroci
    You can try my brand new project: metrics11 com It helps you find profitable keywords niches in Google. It shows you how many people search for a given term per month in chosen countries, what is competition for that term, and other metrics like trends or domain availability. We connect data from many different sources and focus mostly on competitor metrics. I think it is the most comprehensive keyword research tool on the market right now. Try the demo on the front page.

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  • TravelInn
    I was using most of the tools that Max mentioned in this thread and now they're useless in front of the new tool "The Google Keyword Planner" - is a vast machine with a lot of reports coming in and lots of new features that can be used very easy, I'm sure that will remove a lot of these tools from the market.

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  • Rcc
    Indeed Max this tool from them - The Google Keyword Planner - is perfect and is giving you the perfect answers to your questions regarding what keywords should you use for your website. Together with Money Robot Submitter is making a perfect match for promoting your website

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  • JacksonS
    You are welcome Jonathan, spend some time learning the software, I can say that it is an easy to learn software because it have a nice and clean interface, and if you have questions ask the support team (the developers of the program), they will help you, they will also offer you some important SEO knowledges and tricks. Cheers

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  • Jonathan
    Wow, thanks Jackson !!, this kind of software I was looking for for a long time, I see that it has 7 free days trial, I will install it now, thanks again for your help, your links help me a lot. Good Day !

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  • JacksonS
    Hi Jonathan, The Money Robot Submitter software is not a tool for keyword research, it is a tool that actually ranking the keywords, so this tool is ranking your website on first page on google, it is the best tool for rankings, it is actually creates the backlinks to your website, it is also a blog creator, it can create unlimited blogs on over 100 blog platforms, so this tool is actually saving a lot of time, and helps a lot in rankings of websites, you can read some reviews about the money robot software here and also here is a good review of the money Robot, and I found one more review here.
    I hope it will help you, Cheers

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  • Jonathan
    I'm new here on the forum,I have a question, this software Money Robot what is actually doing ? Thanks

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  • JacksonS
    Finding the right keywords is never a problem, I don't even know why you guys spend so much time on that, I spend time only on ranking the keywords I also use Money Robot Submitter and my time is consumed to write good content to supply to the Money Robot not to make researches over the keywords. It is so simple to find the keywords but hard to rank them, I also rank over 10 keywords per week.

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  • Jacob
    Hi yes, you are right the Google keyword tool is the best keyword tool, I also spend a lot of money on other tools that I never used again, your thread will help a lot of people save money, thank you for your research over those tools.

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  • Lucas
    Nice post Max about your keyword research software, I always use only Google Keyword Planner, I also did a lot of research in the past but nothing is better than the free Google tool. I remember that you said in another thread that you have more licenses for Money Robot Submitter software right ? This is the reason why you need many keywords , I also use it and I can rank 5-10 medium niche keywords per week with Money Robot software.

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