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  • S3O
    started a topic Your Views Regarding use of Heading Tag in a Post

    Your Views Regarding use of Heading Tag in a Post

    Hello dmers,
    Recently I made a case study on various blogs that are not so popular but have some good ranking for quite a competitive keyword.I did On-page Analysis of the page and found out that many were missing heading tags.Yet I do use heading tag in my blog posts but I want to be sure whether heading tags play a role in ranking of a page by google.Heading Tags were of great importance some years ago but still some of the most popular sites are using it.Before publishing the case study,I would really love to hear your views about the heading tags.According to me heading tags have some importance and I have used them since i started my blogging career.So Would love to hear your views .Thanks for reading

  • S3O
    ok thanks .i'll rather use heading tags for on-page seo as i see they do have some effects and you're right using them doesn't cost me anything.So thanks for replying

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  • dmer
    using Header Tags Do matter .You may consider using them as you don't loose anything.However note that you don't using <h1> tag more than once on a single post or you'll increase your chances of getting penalized by the Big G for Over-optimization.

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