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  • S3O
    started a topic Building Quality Links By Building Great Web 2.0s...

    Building Quality Links By Building Great Web 2.0s...

    Hey all,
    Just came across a thread here on DM asking about how to build quality here I am with a simple solution........
    Nowadays building links via web2.0 is the most effective way to build links..........However many people don't understand or don't know the here i am with a very simple post on how to create quality links by creating quality web2.0
    So let's get started without wasting any time...
    1. Go to any website which allows you to register free web2.os such as or ...there are tons of them available just google them......
    2. Either write a good 500 words unique article(advised) or scrape content from some sites of your niche and spin 'em....
    3. Gather Some Relevant Images on your article.....
    4. Post the article to any web2.0 u created and insert the images too within the post optimizing the images with the keyword you want your money site to rank for and then just post the article........
    5. After that scrape some more content and spin them or write some more content and then repeat the process above.
    6. When you have enough web2.0 (5-10)having links pointing to your money site......just get the link of your web 2.0 in a txt file
    7. If you have some automated seo tool like money robot ,senuke,etc and get some low quality backlinks pointing to your money site .They may be in the form of social bookmarks,wiki links or blog comments from relevant niche authority blog.But if you don't own any automated seo tool you may just go to and find yourself suitable gigs for just 5$ offering social,bookmarks,blog comments or wiki links.......and order them for your web2.0.
    8. After some time you may start seeing some increase in your ranking for the keyword you targeted......
    9. Rinse and
    10. Repeat
    SO do u have a more effective method of building links do share them,,i would love to hear them.......

  • owaiswiz
    Hey ,
    s30 a really great post indeed.
    I do use web 2.0s now to create links that are more powerful .To be honest when i was a noob in seo ,i just used blog comments but when they started loosing their effectiveness when tools like scrapebox came out,there was need for something different.I then started creating links using web2.0s and they are the most effective source of link building .

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  • S3O
    Originally posted by Rcc View Post
    I strongly suggest to work for more than Tier 3 links strategy - I may go even up to tier 7 - there you'll be more than satisfied
    are you serious man.i haven't even surpassed tier 4 till now.Btw just curious what links do you use for that many tiers.I would be very happy to hear them.DO tell me if you can.

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  • Long Ruth
    Originally posted by Rcc View Post
    I strongly suggest to work for more than Tier 3 links strategy - I may go even up to tier 7 - there you'll be more than satisfied
    Yes you are right. We should use at least Tier 3 links strategy and we should maintain this strategy. We can also user it up to 7 or more.

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  • Rcc
    I strongly suggest to work for more than Tier 3 links strategy - I may go even up to tier 7 - there you'll be more than satisfied

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  • S3O
    Originally posted by Robin View Post
    thanks for sharing this method.
    I have been searching a while for creating quality web2.0 when i stumbled on your looks good and i have also created an blog..Now time for some link blast.Thanks again for sharing.However could please tell me if i just wanted to make a tier 3 ,what types of link should i use?
    yes,you can use some low quality social bookmarks for your tier3 links however i won't advice you to go beyond tier 3 as it will take a lot of time.But choice is yours.You can also use some wiki links with very scrappy articles.

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  • Robin
    thanks for sharing this method.
    I have been searching a while for creating quality web2.0 when i stumbled on your looks good and i have also created an blog..Now time for some link blast.Thanks again for sharing.However could please tell me if i just wanted to make a tier 3 ,what types of link should i use?

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