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  • How to Recover your Site from Google Penguin Penalty in 2-3 months

    Hello guys , I want to let anyone know the latest news that I have about Penguin penalty, I have a client from Austria that got his website hammered by Penguin 2, this was 3 months ago. I initially recommended him to move to new domain, however he didn't agree to that.

    So , I started to investigate using ahrefs the type of backlinks that his website received, a lot of social bookmarks pointing directly to home page , I didn't even try to remove any of the backlinks because I knew that it will take too much time and 70% of backlinks I will never be able to remove them. So after one week of investigations I decide that his website need good quality backlinks , but where to get this kind of links ?

    I tried to buy couple of backlinks from some good page rank niche related websites, I contacted the webmasters , and the asked price per link was to high , over $200 per link, it was to much for my client budget, so what I did next was purchasing 100 medium quality articles via freelancer website and started to build 100 blogs and publish to each blog one article.

    Each blog that I have created was made on different blogging platform , so I made one wordpress blog , one blogspot blog, one livejournal blog , etc
    It take me two weeks to get all blogs created, I worked 4 hours per day only and I was able to make 6-8 blogs per day.

    So , I get 100 blogs, each blog contain one article and one backlink to my client website, I used for links only generic anchor texts like this (click here, more info, article source,etc) and I randomly pointed the link to all internal pages from the client website , so each page received about 11 backlinks, (the client website have 9 pages).

    I waited 3 weeks to get the blogs indexed on google and google has indexed only about 15% of blogs, so I decide to start building some backlinks to each of the blogs, I build automatically 80-100 social bookmarks and 50 wiki articles to each of the blogs, this provide to each blog some good juice and that juice was sent to the mine website, so the client website received 100 good and powerful backlinks, after about 30 days the client website started to receive from 5 daily visitors from google, it started to receive again more then 450 daily unique visitors.

    Before the website penalty, the client website received 500-600 daily unique visitors, so I can say it not got full recovery but only 85%, however the client is happy and continue to pay monthly SEO subscription to me.

    I know that many people from the forum have managed to do the same, by purchasing some powerful related backlinks, however when the client don't have budget for link purchasing , the single solution you have is to start manually building web 2.0 blogs.
    I hope my thread will help you guys to recover your websites from Penguin penalty, if you have a faster solution to get full or partial penguin recovery just post here on the thread.
    Last edited by EduardA; 07-13-2013, 07:38 AM.

  • Godofseo
    hey eduardA,
    a very great post indeed.I really liked it.I had one of my website which I discontinued later because of google penguin hitting it.Now I plan to use your technique and I hope i can recover it.Also I will disavow all of my bad links as I am going to purchase a service like that soon.

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  • S3O
    This thread is highly appreciated.I think i must do it for one of my sites that was hit by Google 2.1 update.Really helpful thread mate.As Many member over here said that we should try to diversify our links,i'll also focus on that.I may use this technique by adding social bookmarks,directory submissions pointing to my money site.BTW Thanks for sharing the useful info mate

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  • owaiswiz
    THanks for sharing brother.Really liked the article.As said by theneo earlier in this thread,disavowing our links are also not a bad idea,however there are some disadvantage though.

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  • theneo
    Really helpful guide.However if you want to remove the link from google considering it you can use the google disavow tool which is really helpful until and unless you dont have 100k backlinks.However your article is interesting .thanks for sharing mate .

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  • realSEO
    Thank you so much for the help - I'm starting to recover my websites

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  • Leo
    You not only saved my life but also my family, I will tell you more in a private message, Thanks !

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  • Leo
    Eduard, you saved my life !, I really appreciate your thread, I had a very good earnings before to get my website penalized, a good life and I was every day happy, however because I didn't know to do seo I kill my websites, google penguin killed my websites and with them my life changed I had to get again a job because I get no more money. After all this problems I search on the internet for a way to recover my websites, I almost had no more money to pay my hosting company, then I found this page and I say that I should give it a try, I could not lose anything else, I fallow your technique and after about 60 days I get most of my websites recovered on google, so I thank you very much for offering for free the necessary information to recover my websites. I really appreciate. I will write you a private message now. Thanks !

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  • EduardA
    Thank you andish, yes, the method works very well and I'm happy that I helped a lot of people to recover their websites, I purchased today a penalized website that made a lot of good earnings before to be killed by google algorithms and I think I can recover it in one month.

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  • andish
    First of all congratulations to that you won to fight with an animal brand update
    Anyways I like your idea and yes it is good idea and i found technically nothing bad in it...

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  • Abraham
    I also used similar method and works just fine, the single problem is that it takes time and many people prefer to build another website, however for the ones that really love their actual website or domain name the only way to recover from this penalty is to build a private blog network and make it powerful.

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  • Jacob
    Hi there EduardA, you're right about all the technique that you used for penguin recovery, I did the same technique and I get my client website back in less then one month, It didn't recovered completely yet, but 75% of traffic is back, so probable in next 2 weeks all the traffic will be normal again. About what exactly I did to get the website recovered ? I made 50 blogs with Money Robot Submitter, I added one article in each blog, then I power each blog with social bookmarks, article directories, wiki articles, etc, and I added only generic anchor text anchors. That was all.

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  • seomarketing
    Yes Guys, Money Robot is first one the best of best in SEO World Now, I truly Thankful to Nick & his team to bringing such a Wonderful & Powerful Software... Hats off you Guys

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  • EduardA
    Thanks Mason I already purchased the Money Robot License and I already ranked couple of websites, the tool is amazing, it save so much time and money, my SEO is now fully automatically.

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  • Mason
    I did the same thing like you Eduard, I recovered all of my clients websites in the same way you did , creating of related and powerful blogs, but I didn't do that manually like you did , I use Money Robot software for full work, here are some Money Robot reviews and opinions I hope it will help you to recover affected websites of your clients.
    Last edited by Mason; 08-04-2013, 09:07 AM.

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