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Any way to split 50/50 the Adsense earnings? Page Title Module
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  • George
    started a topic Any way to split 50/50 the Adsense earnings?

    Any way to split 50/50 the Adsense earnings?

    Hi there guys, Is there a secure way to split 50/50 the Adsense earnings with my partner ?
    Our website makes over $50 per day, I'm a good content creator and he is good at SEO, and programming and hosting stuff, I want to mention that the website domain is managed by me and it is in my Godaddy account, however the website files are hosted on his hosting account. We also purchase a Money Robot submitter license together and he is the one that is using it and it have it installed on his computer. The question remains the same , is there a way to configure Adsense to send the money every month via wire transfer splinted to my wire bank account and his wire IBAN account ? I search a lot over the internet and I found no information related to this.

  • Godofseo
    no there's no such way to split up your adsense earning however you can split your adsense earning after recieving it to your bank account.I too hope there was some feature like that.

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  • owaiswiz
    No you can't
    You should first take the money and then transfer half the money to your partner.And COmpletely Agree with SEAN...That will be a cool feature if it is implemented by adsense.There are many people like OP wanting the same feature.I wish it is implemented soon because i also have a partner .

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  • Sean
    That could be a very useful feature, I share my earnings with my programmer and it could save time and it will give additional trust to me and to my programmer, it would be really nice that this feature to be created by G, it will help us to get automatically the payment transferred to each of our account (50% each account)

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  • Abraham
    I also have a similar problem, I hope that they will soon offer a feature directly to allow users to split the money directly to more accounts, very useful feature that it never existed yet.

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  • George
    Originally posted by Rcc View Post
    Why not you put in the AdSense a bank account where are 2 signatures
    We are living in different countries, so the best way it is if Adsense can split the money directly, but for the moment they don't offer any features that allow that.

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  • Rcc
    Why not you put in the AdSense a bank account where are 2 signatures - yours and your partners one - like this will never be discussions.

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  • Mason
    Thank you George for your answer.

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  • George
    It took 2 months to get these results with SEO using Money Robot software, about our niche I can tell you that is a medium niche and we are ranking on position one on google already so this is the reason why we have good earnings already. I can't tell you exactly our niche, sorry for that.

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  • Mason
    George, how long time it take you guys to get $50 per day earnings ? And what niche your website is ? Thanks

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  • Lucas
    Ok George, no problem. Thanks for your reply.
    About your 50% split directly from the Adsense there is no chance to obtain that, so you need probable that one of you guys to get the money in his IBAN account via Wire and then send 50% to the other guy, this is the single solution.

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  • George
    I'm not an expert in SEO, I know that all the SEO was made with that MR software but don't know to tell you anything about the techniques used, I did only about 100 articles (pages) in the website and after we get MR software the website traffic increased fast and also the earnings.

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  • Lucas
    Did you make this daily earnings with the help of money Submitter software ? Just asking? How time take for you guys to get that earnings ? What techniques did you use ? thaks

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  • Max
    I don't think Adsense allow that, not even if you create a company, they only send the money monthly and in only one bank account via WIRE transfer, so there is no chance to do that.

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